Symptoms associated with Imbalanced Digestion
Sugar and processed food cravings
The bad bacteria in your gut feed on sugar and processed food and send signals to your brain requesting more once levels are low.
Bloating and gas
Bloating and gas are usually tell-tail signs of issues with your digestive system. There can be many causes of these symptoms such as an imbalance in your microbiome, other digestive issues (see common issues page) and/or other more severe diseases.
Constant fatigue
In the digestive process, your body breaks down food for energy. If this process is imbalanced it can cause low energy and fatigue. Serotonin, a hormone that affects mood and sleep, is produced in the gut. Compromised gut function can impact serotonin production and hence your sleep.
Bad breath
Bad breath can be a sign of poor oral hygiene, dehydration, imbalanced gut bacteria and/or toxic overload.
Food sensitivities
Food sensitivities differ from allergies in the sense that they are not typically acute and can manifest after a couple of days. The reaction is often not as severe and can present as abdominal pain, gas, bloating and/or belching. Low levels of beneficial bacteria can impair immune tolerance and lead to these sensitivities. They can be caused by any foods but the main culprits are generally dairy, eggs and/or gluten. If you suspect that you may have a food sensitivity, sign up for one of my packages and we can do a food sensitivity test.
Skin issues
There can be a strong association between skin disorders and gut health. Issues such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, oily/dry skin, rashes and/or hives can be boiled down to gut health issues, depending on the case.
Frequent illness
A large proportion of your immune system is located in your gut, your immune system keeps you healthy, but if your microbiome is imbalanced, it can affect the proper functioning of your immune system. Whether it's merely catching every pesky cold that goes around the office or suffering from chronic immune-related issues, your gut health could be directly related.
Mood issues
The majority of your body's serotonin (the "happy" hormone) is produced in your gut. Your gut and your brain are deeply intertwined. If you're struggling with mood issues like, anxiety and/or depression, your microbiome may be contributing to it.
Please contact your GP if you have sudden unexplained weight loss, diarrhoea or constipation that lasts for several days, rectal bleeding, signs of iron deficiency anaemia (such as fatigue, pale skin and weakness), unexplained vomiting, difficulty swallowing and/or persistent pain.